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This picture looks better than 33.71% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.87
This picture has been rated : 61 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Aqua nova RH Tall aquarium.
400 Litres
Will update soon with the rest
Hypnotizing Hobby!
Be prepared to just be gazing into your tank all the time!
Fish Kept:
Date 28 January 2008
Fish just added within a week, all cichlids from lake malawi: 4 x elongatus mpanga, 2x pleco's, 2x venustus and 2x luwanda peacocks. all still very small. will update tank pictures very soon
Sandstone Rocks that I pickup up from a local Landscaper (Left blisters on my fingers after a couple of days cleaning and scrubbing). Plants are fake so that my new inhabitants won't destroy them.
Coral sand to keep the PH to just the way Cichlids like.
Tank Size:
105 gallons
We regret more the things we did not do than the things we did!
About Yourself:
Had kept Oscars a good couple of years back when I used to live with my folks. Now that I have been married for a couple of years with Two beatiful Kids, decided it's time to get my Hobby on the go again.