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This picture looks better than 45.22% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.83
This picture has been rated : 24 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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New York
United States
48"x13"x21" 55 gallon,Custom Stand.RedTail Catfish,Tiger ShovelNose Catfish,2 Blood Jewel Cichlids,2 Koi Angel Fish.All Live Plants. 2 tree root stumps.40 lbs sugar grainwhite sand.Ehiem ecco canister 2236,Ehiem ecco canister 2234. AquaClear 50 Powerhead.2 Marineland 250 watt heaters and 2 Powerglo 24" bulbs and 8 L.E.D lunar lights.60 gallon whisper air pump.Adding 2 24"Glass Versa Tops. Up Grading to 125 gallon soon.
Keep on top of your levels,Weekly water changes,and a good diet.I feed my guys Pellets,Bloodworms,Brine Shrimp, guppies,and krull.
Fish Kept:
Redtail Cat,Tiger ShovelNose Cat,,Pleco,Africans Cichlids,4 Electric Blue Jack Dempseys, 2 Jack Dempsey's,2 Blood Jewel Cichlids.
All live Plants.
Tank Size:
95 gallons