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This picture looks better than 43.37% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.78
This picture has been rated : 129 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.12
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United States
90 Gallon tank (4'x2'x1.5') with Tiger Oscar, Jack Dempsey, Managuenese Cichlid, 2 Banded Leporinus, Huge Pleco, Redtail tinfoil barb, Lima Shovelnose Catfish, featherfin catfish, 2 marble angelfish, Humpback puffer, bluegill, albino algae eater.
10 Gallon tank: baby silver Arowana, Spotted african leaf fish, Blue kenyi cichlid, peacock eel, ghost glass catfish, algae eater, tiger lobster, assassin snails
find good deals on amazon and craigslist. got my 90 gallon tank and light brand new for $100.
Fish Kept:
90 Gallon tank (4'x2'x1.5') with Tiger Oscar, Jack Dempsey, Managuenese Cichlid, 2 Banded Leporinus, Huge Pleco, Redtail tinfoil barb, Lima Shovelnose Catfish, featherfin catfish, 2 marble angelfish, Humpback puffer, bluegill, albino algae eater.
10 Gallon tank: baby silver Arowana, Spotted african leaf fish, Blue kenyi cichlid, peacock eel, ghost glass catfish, algae eater, tiger lobster, assassin snails
Tank Size:
90 gallons