More Info
my fishtank size is 45cm width * 30 cm height
On the cover ,there is blue color tubelight for light and in the fishtank there is filtration and air pump combined .For decoration ,i have put wooden cage like piece,through which fishes like to travel and also there are plastic bushes around which fishes like to travel .
Advice is love your fishes,learn about them from various sources as much as you can.Then you are good to go.Also Make sure you have good budget.
Fish Kept:
Fishes kept are two fantain goldfish and beautiful pink glow fishes.
plastic plants
Tank Size:
40 gallons
man can learn a lot from having fishtank
About Yourself:
Since childhood,i am fond of fishes,as i grew to 28 year old,i decided to nurture that hobby again with nice fishes. I am planning to have bigger fishtank with natural plantation and variety of fishes.