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United States
This is my first fish tank in my life and it is a 5 gallon red cherry shrimp tank with 8 shrimp in it. I got the tank as part of a starter kit from walmart and changed the filter to be a sponge filter. I have some water spangles on the top which are a new addition and my shrimp seem to love them. My ph is 7.0 and my nitrates are 0 for both types in the API testing kit I have. My ammonia has been 1 ppm for a while bit it recently dropped to 0 ppm after many small water changes. :)
Make sure you cycle your tank!! My tank was not cycled properly when I put my first 10 shrimp in and only one lived. After cycling again, my shrimp seem to be happier this time around
Fish Kept:
red cherry shrimp
water spangles, not sure of the others
Tank Size:
5 gallons