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This picture looks better than 90.08% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.14
This picture has been rated : 98 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
55g community freshwater ,fake plants driftwood,....n good advice.....stop buying $12 fake plants from lfs,lotsa mine are but recently went to HOBBY LOBBY n found bigger better nicer plastic plants way cheaper
get a second job.....lol
Fish Kept:
loaches,guppies,yellow barbs,blue n yellow gourami n more,also have a 55g african chiclid tank
plastic plants
Tank Size:
55 gallons
BREAK IT !!!!!!!
About Yourself:
im a gb packer backer cracker from wisconsin . love playing guitar, ps3.....gamertag (LUVMUFF).....love metal.....h8 rap..love my kids,hiking,camping,i love that im home from work by 4:20 ,...well 3:15 but u get my driftwood right? love staring at my tanks after a hard days work......wish i could get in there n swim with them.love that ive been with my girl over 15 years.(the trick is DONT get married...lol.)love playing pool in my basement on sat. nights.n once or twice a year i watch all 6 srarwars movies,n all the lord of the rings,all the harry potters,n all my beavis & butthead dvds......huh huh