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This picture looks better than 17.46% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.96
This picture has been rated : 25 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
My tank is a 50 gallon acrylic. Its a reef tank with live totoka rock. It has a black,modern style cabinet and canopy. We have a 30 gallon sump underneath with sump rock. We have a skimmer,jbj sumbmersible 9 watt uv sterilizer in it as well. Our lighting system is Current USA, power compact, sundial 10,000k white/daylight and 7,100 blue/actinic light, and built in moonlight. The light is on a built in timer so it is hassle free. We also have a red sea wavemaker and a koriola 2 powerhead to simulate ocean movement.
It's worth it
Fish Kept:
A pair of percula clowns, a purple tang, a blue linkia starfish, a red fire shrimp, a coral banded shrimp, a midas blenny, a japanese borbonious, and a Valencia Goby.
Pipe organ, Alvapora, Mushrooms, Hammer, Frogspawn, Green Candy Cane, Plate Corals, elegance coral (need updated photo)
Tank Size:
50 gallons