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United States
I currently have an 8 gallon biocube that is setup with the 18 watt 10K and Actinic lights with the normal factory filtration system built in. I also have a 30L that is equipped with a Magnum filtration system and two light strips containing a Power Glo and one Marine Glo bulb. I also have a 125 set up with a Rena XP3 and strip lighting containing white lights as well as Actinic lighting.
Stick with it, read books and magazine articles, as well as ask many questions at any of the local pet shops and stores. You can always learn a lot from experienced people in he business.
Fish Kept:
There are no fish in the biocube. In the 30L I have a good mix of Lake Malawi cichlids (young ones). In the 125 I have a good mix of Tanganyikan cichlids.
In the 8g biocube I have only corals. From leathers to mushrooms to frogspawns and hammer corals, as well as zoos, etc. Some are over 3 years old. They were transferred over from a 2.5g a couple years back.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
You Have Got to Have Faith Like A Blind Man Standing in the Middle of the Road.
About Yourself:
I am currently a parole officer for the State of Texas. I have been in the correctional system for about 2 years. Before that I worked as an Account Manager for Lone Star Pet Supply out of Schertz TX. As I achieved my BA in Criminal Justice I worked for Polly's Pet Shop in San Antonio and New Braunfels (one of the largest independently owned shops in Texas). I started working there at the age of 16 and part time as recent as 1 year ago. I have over 10 years experience in the pet industry on both sides (retail and distribution). That is definitely where I learned the bulk of the knowledge about all this.