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This picture looks better than 73.53% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.52
This picture has been rated : 202 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
Malawian African Cichlid tank, Houseing Mbunas, Peacocks, Haps.
Dimensions: (48x18x24)
Lighting: Kit bought Unknown
Filters: Eheim 2280 proffessional, Pengium 350 Bio wheel.
Heater: Eheim 300w
Decor: Lava Rock, River Stone, Plastic Plants,
Substrate: Carib sea "Aragonite"
Suggestions: Start small!!
Advice: Patience is key to a successfull hobby, wether it be keeping a coin collection or keeping fish. Thats the best advice I think I could over covers all aspects.
Fish Kept:
6 Pseudo "Kenyi" 2 Males 4 females
6 Pseudo "Red Zebra" 2 males 4 femals
4 Pseudo " ACEI" 2 male 2females
2 Pseudo"Pearl Zebras"
1 Lapidichomis " Yellow Lab"
2 "Electric Blue "Haps" male
1 Aulunocara "Stuartagranti" male
1 large Rhino Pleco
Plastic plants
Tank Size:
90 gallons
"Greatest risk in life is not taking one"
About Yourself:
Besides the obvious of being an Aquarium/Cichlidfinatic, I take pleasure in outdoor sports, hanking out with friends, and partying!!