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This picture looks better than 68.15% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.83
This picture has been rated : 12 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
New York
United States
28 gallon, all in one setup in a box thing. its all stock lighting (two - 25 watt or so "aquarium" bulbs, 206 fluval canister filter. *I set up my old 8 gal. acrylic tank downstairs with some guppies (just had babies) in it that I will post pics of soon. THANKS FOR LOOKING/VOTING!! any questions, just ask.
*More fish = more water changes* Over filter!! keep it clean. research the fish you put in. don't over crowd the tank. dont make your upkeep so much work that you dont enjoy the tank! have fun!
Fish Kept:
School of 12 Neon Tetras & 2 Glow Light Tetras / 2 Julii Corydoras / 2 baby Black Angelfish / 1 Bamboo Shrimp / 3 Mystery Snails
All plastic plants, w/an under gravel air diffuser coming up through a plastic log fixture (looks really cool!).
Tank Size:
28 gallons
MmMm Fishsticks....
About Yourself:
I'm 30 yrs old from NY. I've had this tank for 3 years or so. Previously an 8 gallon and a 2 gallon desk aquarium. If I knew I had a more permanent place for a larger tank, I would easily have a 100+ gallon right now. I love it. (I am getting the itch for a saltwater tank..bye bye $$$)