Photo #2 - My Yamabuki Ogon, I Got It When It Was Only A Bab...

My yamabuki ogon, I got it when it was only a baby at around 1.5 - 2 inches and now it's around 3 inches excluding the tail. Its forehead is starting to darken for some strange reason leaving me to suspect it might not a been pure bred.
Submitted By: Tuan on
Photo Caption: My yamabuki ogon, I got it when it was only a baby at around 1.5 - 2 inches and now it's around 3 inches excluding the tail. Its forehead is starting to darken for some strange reason leaving me to suspect it might not a been pure bred.

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freshwater fish - cyprinus carpio - koi stocking in 65 gallons tank - My mother's kohaku koi. I never realized how beautiful it actually is until I took this picture.
freshwater fish - cyprinus carpio - koi stocking in 65 gallons tank - My yamabuki ogon, I got it when it was only a baby at around 1.5 - 2 inches and now it's around 3 inches excluding the tail. Its forehead is starting to darken for some strange reason leaving me to suspect it might not a been pure bred.
65 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 3 Koi: one yamabuki ogon; one kohaku, too lazy to determine which variety; and a tancho kin kit utsuri but with a lot of black on it's back a white underbelly, most likely a mixed breed. I had to rearrange the live plants today to clean some of the decorations so the layout is rather poor. Most likely I'll have to rearrange it sometime once the live plants start growing bigger and I'll also need to properly attach the background.

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Ranked #5913 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
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More Info

Country: Canada
Description: My main aquarium is the Fluval 260 Vicenza which comes equipped with: a Fluval 305 External Canister Filter, GLO T5 High Output lighting, and a 300W Fluval heater.
Advice: Quadruple-check actual volume of the aquarium. The salesman who sold my 260 Vicenza told me that it was a 90 gallon tank but it was actually a 65.5 gallon tank. Guess I was a bit too blond to figure out that the 260 stood for its capacity in litres.
Fish Kept: I have kept several varieties of freshwater fish including: several koi, a fantail goldfish, a pearlscale goldfish, a ryukin, a red fancy guppy and five comets.
Corals/Plants: I have kept a total of three different species of freshwater plants. I don't know what two of them are called since the sales lady only knew their french names. The only one which I have managed to identify is a dwarf anacharis (Egeria najas).
Tank Size: 65 gallons
Quote: My memory is like swiss cheese, full of holes.
About Yourself: How I got into the hobby (in a nutshell): a fantail was on sale of 3 dollars, me buy for mommy, me buy small aquarium, mommy buys me big aquarium, me do research, me buy koi and plants.


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