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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
Magnum Canister filter, Emperor 300 Bio-Wheel filter, Neptune 300 watt heater, Jet filter, whisper air pump, fluorescent lighting, oak setup with canopy.
Don't ever change the water 100% unless you spill soap or drop harmful substances in your tank or overdose on fish medication! Always do small water changes 20-25% a month or 10-20% a week depending on how many fish you have. In tap water, the chlorine is highly toxic to all aquatic animals so make sure you never change too much of the water with tap water because you will end up killing your fish.
Fish Kept:
Fish: 1.) 5 Australian Rainbowfish: 1 proved pair
2.) 1 koi swordtail male (NOT albino)- very nice
3.) 1 brick red swordtail who was originally a pregnant female who had fry and then actually changed its sex- swordtails can do this when they are still young!
4.) 1 high fin platy male, 3 red female platies
5.) 3 albino corydora catfish
6.) 1 veil marble angelfish, 1 regular marble angelfish - Maybe a pair
7.) 6 silver tip tetras
8.) 5 blue tetras
9.) 2 bolivian rams- might be a pair
I got lucky with pairs! All my fish get along great. I highly recommend the Bolivian rams, angelfish and Australian Rainbow fish. They are a joy to watch and have great personalities.
All plastic.
Tank Size:
80 gallons
Here fishy fishy fishy...
About Yourself:
I have been keeping freshwater tanks and fish since I was 5 years old. I love fish, it is an addiction. I currently have 3 main tanks: a 30 gallon tropical tank, a 20 gallon coldwater tank, and an 80 gallon tropical community tank.