Photo #5 - This Is One Of My Guppies Named Sinbad.

freshwater fish - poecilia reticulata - lyretail guppy stocking in 10 gallons tank - This is one of my Guppies named Sinbad.
Submitted By: sarah on
Photo Caption: This is one of my Guppies named Sinbad.
freshwater fish - betta splendens - betta - male stocking in 10 gallons tank - This is my Beta Indigo. Isn't he pretty?
10 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This is my 5 gallon fish tank. It houses a Beta, 2 Guppies(one died:'(. used to have 3) 2 African Dwarf frogs and a Common Pleco.
freshwater fish - gyrinocheilos aymonieri - chinese algae eater stocking in 10 gallons tank - This is one of my 2 Chinese Algae Eaters. His name is Monopoly. I think he is a cross between a Golden Algae Eater and a Chinese Algae Eater because of his strange colouring though. :)
freshwater fish - poecilia reticulata - red fire guppy stocking in 10 gallons tank - This is my deceased Guppy Sunny...I miss you!!
freshwater fish - poecilia reticulata - lyretail guppy stocking in 10 gallons tank - This is one of my Guppies named Sinbad.
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - fantail goldfish stocking in 10 gallons tank - This is my Fantail Goldfish Becon. He is eating in this picture.
freshwater fish - betta splendens - crown tail betta stocking in 10 gallons tank - This is my Crowntail Beta Lunar Eclipse or Loony for short. He's puffing up at his reflection...Isn't he beautiful?
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - fantail goldfish stocking in 10 gallons tank - This is my common Goldfish Dartez.
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - goldfish stocking in 10 gallons tank - This is my common Goldfish Chou(French, pronounced shoe)
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - fantail goldfish stocking in 10 gallons tank - This is a really old picture so there's only 4 of the 19 fish in it because I had to make it smaller and in the picture i hadn't gotten Becon and Mugsy yet.

Rank Info

Ranked #6774 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 9.61% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 3
This picture has been rated : 18 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13

More Info

Country: Canada
Description: I used to have 3 tanks: one is a 30 gallon tank that has been running for over a year now and the other 2 are a 5 gallon tank that has been running for about 7 months.And a 1 gallon that I just recently set up. In the first two I'm using simple box filters both by Tetra and in the 3ed I'm using a in-water filter.**Update** I moved and couldn't take those tanks with me so I had to sell them..I finally got more some new tanks set up both 10 gallons, one with a sponge filter and one with a in tank filter.
Advice: Research a lot it really helped me, clean your tank at least once a week and the most important thing is to have fun.
Fish Kept: **Update** Started my new 10 gallons with 5 White Clouds in each to cycle it and just bought a beautiful Betta, 4 Ottos and 4 beautiful Cherry Barbs.
Corals/Plants: All fake unfortunately...
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Quote: Fish are Friends!!!!!!NOT FOOD!!!!!!!!!! you know what you know and you know what you don't know!
About Yourself: I had to sell my old tanks.. :( and I just got 2 new ones. I had my 30 gallon and other tanks for close to two years before I had to sell them and I've had my new tanks for about 3 weeks now.


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