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This picture looks better than 91.3% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.21
This picture has been rated : 98 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
New York
United States
125 Gallon African Cichlid tank. I got 2 fluval 404's with a homemade custom lighting system with a standard heating system.
Take time finding a type of fish you prefer to have in your aquarium!
Fish Kept:
I just started this tank up and i have a lot of different Malawi's and 2 Victorian species. I over filtrated this tank so I could have a lot of fish!
Tons of maroon colored lava rock, fake plants and assorted marine shells. Also a beautiful piece of aged drift wood!
Tank Size:
125 gallons
"Don't lean on the tank!"
About Yourself:
My crazy father got me into it and i love it!