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United States
40 gallon Lake Malawi tank with Penguin bio-wheel 350 filter.
Tank stocking depends on the temperance of your own fish, though online advice is usually accurate. I have 16 fish in my 40 gallon tank, which many would say is overstocked. After starting out with 11, they got along very well, allowing me to get 5 more. The cichlids I have are on the less-aggressive side as well. Make sure there are enough hiding places for cichlids, as they will be less aggressive if they have their own territory. Many of them like to dig in the sand and make nests, so that is also important.
Fish Kept:
Rusty Cichlid, Auratus Cichlid, Cobalt Blue Zebra Cichlid, Electric Yellow Cichlid
Tank Size:
40 gallons