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This picture looks better than 95.55% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.68
This picture has been rated : 298 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
More Info
100G tank , 45cm lengh, 45 width , 65 hight. 6 T8 flourecent JBL lights( 3 blue and 3 white ) . Denitrator and a Protien Skimmer both From Aqua medic .
Dont Rush it ... Wait and be a little patient and you will Get use to it .
Fish Kept:
1 Yellow Tang1, Blue Tang , 1 Domino Damsel, 1 Three Stripe Damsel, 1 Black Neon Damsel, 1 Green Chromis Damsel , 1 Three Spot Damsel , 1 Skunk Clownfish ,1 Sleeper Goby , 2 male and Female Zebra Gobies, 1 Royal Dottyback , 1 Spotted Mandarin , 1 Bicolor Blenny , 1 Foxface ,1 Bangaii Cardinal , 1 Pajama Cardinal ,3 Hemit Crabs , 1 Coral banded Shrimp , 1 Red Lobster .
Dont Really Know The Names on all of them but i will post them all here soon .
Tank Size:
100 gallons
Semper Fi
About Yourself:
Just Got into Reef tanks and saltwater Aquariums for a few months but they are really cool .