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This picture looks better than 80.31% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.91
This picture has been rated : 184 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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120g Reef Tank, (approx. 5'x2'x2') 180 lbs L.R., 80lbs Crushed Coral sand, 2x250MH, 2x96w Actinc, 4 LED moon light, Turbo Float Skimmer, 30g Sump with 10lbs L.R., 17g Refugium with Chaeto, L.R., 4" deep sand bed, 1200gph main pump, additional 4 P.H. in tank @ a total of 3000gph, dual overflows.
Go big or go home...
Fish Kept:
1 Yellow Tang, 1 Chevron Tang, 1 Powder Blue Tang, 1 Flame Angel, 2 Blue Damsels, 1 Six Line Wrasse, 2 Clowns, 1 Mandarin Goby, 1 Blue-Green Chromis, 1 Blue Throat Triger, 2 Crocea Clams, 2 fire shrimp, 2 Candy Cane shrimp, 2 pepermint shrip, 1 Orange star fish, 1 Porcelian Crab, Multi Snails & blue hermit crabs
Hammers, Leathers, Acro's, Elkhorn, Multi Zoo's, Multi Mushrooms, Open Brains, Plate Coral, Feather Dusters, Duncan, Rose Tip Anemone, Pagoda
Tank Size:
120 gallons