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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.69
This picture has been rated : 159 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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New York
United States
My Tank is Custom Sapphire Crystal Glass 28x34x22 / BOYU 150 Halide w/ 2X24 watt Actinic , 6 Ultra blue moon lights. 100 gallon wet dry, pro skimmer, 2 refugiums, 13 inch hang on and 11 Gallon under Main tank, 60 pounds of Fuji live rock
My Tank took 3 years to complete my advice take it slow and learn what you can pair up in the tank what is friendly or aggressive keep them apart or don't bother putting it in and check water every week and if you have leathers change carbon every month.
Fish Kept:
Midas Blenny, Yellow, Tomini and Hippo Tang, Six Line wrasse, Coral Beauty, Bellus Angel, Yelloow Clown Goby, 2 Watchmans, Mated Pair Black Onyx True Percula Clowns, Fat Head Anthias, Splotchy Bourbonious Anthias, Ignitus Anthias, Skunk Shrimp, Blue Maxima's Clam, bubble tip anemone
Mixed Zoos, Leathers, Toad stool, mixed mushroom, sun flower, Mixed & Pulsating Xinias, Feather dusters, Brain, Dounut, Pagoda, Orang Sponge, coco worm, nuclear Green & Brown Polyps, starburst, button, waving hand, 4 headed Torch, frog spawn, cup coral, Acans, Favia
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Youth is wasted on the young
About Yourself:
I'm an Executive Chef in Manhattan New York City and always loved aquariums until one day my son and I went to a saltwater fish store and started with a 10 gallon nano and then came a 30 and now a 90 but i would love to have a 200 gallon but got to stay reel and all you enthusiasts know what i mean 90 is where I will stay for now.