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This picture looks better than 10.07% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.91
This picture has been rated : 97 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.07
More Info
United States
Eheim biological filter, I don't remember and I'm not sure on the exact specs/brands on everything else.
Be careful, buying fish is addictive!
Fish Kept:
2 blind cavefish, 4 panda cory cats, 2 sterbai cory catfish, 4 emerald green cory catfish, 1 yo-yo loach, 1 skunk loach, 1 pictus catfish, 1 banjo catfish , 1 midnight catfish, red-finned shark and a snowball pleco.
Fake plants
Tank Size:
36 gallons
About Yourself:
Been into this hobby for 16 years now. Started with a 10 gallon, then two, then a 29 gallon for many years, now I have the 36 gallon. Catfish are my favorite group of fish if you couldn't already notice.