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This picture looks better than 89.64% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.12
This picture has been rated : 105 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
Marineland/Perfecto 120 glass aquarium -(60" x 18" x 26"). Marineland Prestige Stand and Canopy. 60" Marineland double light strip (10k sun bulb & 18k aqua-glo bulb). R2 Solutions 48" Moonlight. 170lbs of Honeycomb rock. Aragonite substrate (80lbs Seaflor reef sand & 30lbs puka shell mix) . Misc artificial plants. Malaysian driftwood for pleco. 2 - 250 watt Marineland stealth heaters. 1 Fluval FX5 canister filter, 1 hydro-v sponge filter. Whisper 100 air pump & 48" Marineland flexible bubble wand. Coralife digital thermometer.
Take your time and do plenty of research on equipment and fish.
Fish Kept:
African Cichlids 1-Electric Yellow, 1-Blue Johanni, 1 - Acei, 1-Trewavas Red-Finned, 1-Ahli, 1-Red Aulonocara, 1-bicolor Aulonocara, 1-jewel, 2-bristlenose pleco, 1-Hongi, 1-demasoni, 2-haplochromis obliquidens, 2-misc pseudotropheus
misc artificial
Tank Size:
120 gallons