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This picture looks better than 90.08% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.35
This picture has been rated : 106 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.99
More Info
New York
United States
Tank: Oceanic 50 gallon bow front with stainless steel base and optional cover.
Lights: Sundial T-5 Canopy Light Fixtures with two 6,700 tubes and two 10,000 tubes.
Filtration: Fluval 405.
CO2: Ideal CO2 regulator with bubble counter and pH controller. With CO2 Reactor 1000.
Substrate: 3M color quartz
I'm a new hobbyist myself
Fish Kept:
Boseman Rainbows, Yellow Balloon Rams, Gouramis, Tetras, African Dwarf frogs
Riccia sluitans, Christmas moss, Java moss, Weeping moss, Marimo balls, Driftwood, Anubias nana, Anubias barteri, Coffefolia, Lilaeopfif, Amazon swords, Java fern, Ludwigia, Salvinia minima, Rotala
Tank Size:
50 gallons
About Yourself:
I grew up on the water and have always had an interest in fish. I started my very first planted tank in February 2009 and am constantly looking for new ways to improve it.