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This picture looks better than 80.21% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.27
This picture has been rated : 51 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
United States
55 gallon glass tank top fin, top fin 60 filter, biowheel 30 filter, life glo lights, african peacock setup...
would love to get a moori fish and maybe a deep water hap in the near future =)
filtration and lighting makes all the difference in the world. keep your tank clean and filtered at all times and chose a light best suiting ur tank setup and fish.
Fish Kept:
1 rubin red shoulder peacock, 1 strawberry albino peacock, 1 livingstoni, 1 rhino pleco, 1 stick pleco, 1 lemon shoulder peacock, 1 yellow lemon cichlid, 1 frontosa, 1 electric blue hap
1 dwarf anubia, rest are all artificial, 1 holey rock, and lots of stacked lake rocks
Tank Size:
55 gallons
loose lips sink ships!
About Yourself:
ive gone thru several different setups and still have yet to decide what to do with my most recent. i had a pirahna setup with 8 piranhas about 7 inches each, than i decided to go with lake malawi cichlids and oscars, and now ive fallen in love with african peacocks and am still trying to see what to do with the decorations in my tank to best match their colors and needs.