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This picture looks better than 46.46% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.72
This picture has been rated : 309 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.23
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United Kingdom
4X Golden Barbs, 2X Gouramies, 8X White Cloud Mountain Minnows, 1X Bristlenose Plec, 1X Siamese Algae Eater. I use and Eheim External Filter and Trioph lighting
Golden Barbs and Minnows are a great beginners fish (always keep in groups). Don't start with too smaller tank, Don't put the tank near a window and always wait at least 3 weeks before adding fish to a new setup. Always take into account the fishes adult size before you buy!!
Fish Kept:
4X Golden Barbs, 2X Gouramies, 8X White Cloud Mountain Minnows, 1X Bristlenose Plec, 1X Siamese Algae
Ludwigia Repens, Echinodorus x barthii.Lilaeopsis and Hygrophila Corymbosa
Tank Size:
21 gallons
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