Photo #15 - 125g Mixed Reef - Naso Tang Regal Tang Kole Ta...

Submitted By: David on
Photo Caption: 125G Mixed Reef
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125 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 125G Mixed Reef

Rank Info

Ranked #33 out of 1595 reef tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 97.93% of pictures in this category
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This picture has been rated : 277 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91

More Info

State: Georgia
Country: United States
Description: 125g 6ft Mixed Reef Tank 200lbs LR 3 x 250w Metal Halides 15k XM Bulbs 220w URI Actinics MR2 Dual Beckett Protein Skimmer Kalk Reactor Tunze Auto Top Off Seio's and Maxi Jet's for water flow Phosoban Reator Aquacontroller Jr for Equipment Control
Advice: Take it slow! Get on a good reef froum and read, learn, ask, and read some more. There will be up's and down's in this hobby, but it is worth it. Make sure you price check on your equipment. Usually the net is so much cheaper.
Fish Kept: Naso Tang Regal Tang Kole Tang Mated Pair Percula Clowns Skunk Clown Madarin Dragnet Scooter Blenny
Corals/Plants: Sps, Lps, Zoanthids
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Quote: John 3:16
About Yourself: Pastor


amazing fish avatar
That was sold to me as a rose bulb anemone. It was not a rose cause rose are all red, but it is a bulb anemone. fish avatar
What kind or aneome is the one with the green body and red tentacles. fish avatar


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