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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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110 gallon cichlid tank. 72 inches wide cichlid tank.
ehiem 2217 filter, visitherm 300 watt heater. 2 - 48" GE f40 bulbs in a fluroscent lamp for $14 (forget
the proper lamp for $400.00!
The new word for the day is "Aquascaping"... Can we all say aquascaping?
Fish Kept:
African cichlids. Mostly Mbunas, Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, Red Parrot, Juvi Front, Juvi Duboisi Tropheus, 2 Ice Blue Hap Ahli, Red Tailed Shark.
plastic plants, lava rocks, 2 jamaican conch shells and corals and a brass lion door handle!
Tank Size:
110 gallons
Fish are better than drugs!
About Yourself:
Our lovebird died the day after returning from our trip in Jamaica, so I got reinspired by the shells we brought back.