Photo #1 - My First Saltwater Tank, Less Than 8 Weeks Old. ...

264 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - My first saltwater tank, less than 8 weeks old. 135g 6 foot long. 3 500gph hang on power filters, 1 powerhead, 1 protien skimmer, 1 300w heater, 1 coral sun light (blue spectrum) and 4 ultra sun (daylight)T8 bulbs. I have 150 pounds of turkani and figi live rock,Corals: 2 white bubble coral and 1 leather toadstool. Anemone: 2 condylactis anemone, 1 pink haitian and one long tenticle anemone.Starfish: 1 chocolate chip and 1 green brittlestarfish. Fish:1 Humu humu trigger, 2 niger trigger(only keeping one), 1 Coral hogfish, 1 yellow tang, 1 tomato clown, 1 maroon clown, 1 lunare wrasse, 1 blue head wrasse, 1 green un ID'd wrasse. 10 percent water change weekly, 30 percent w/c monthly plus topping off evaporation. Water testing done weekly. Ammonia 0 ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, nitrate 10 ppm or less. Salinity and KH adjusted as needed for evaporation.
My first saltwater tank, less than 8 weeks old. 135g 6 foot long. 3 500gph hang on power filters, 1 powerhead, 1 protien skimmer, 1 300w heater, 1 coral sun light (blue spectrum) and 4 ultra sun (daylight)T8 bulbs. I have 150 pounds of turkani and figi live rock,Corals: 2 white bubble coral and 1 leather toadstool. Anemone: 2 condylactis ...
Submitted By: susan on
Photo Caption: My first saltwater tank, less than 8 weeks old. 135g 6 foot long. 3 500gph hang on power filters, 1 powerhead, 1 protien skimmer, 1 300w heater, 1 coral sun light (blue spectrum) and 4 ultra sun (daylight)T8 bulbs. I have 150 pounds of turkani and figi live rock,Corals: 2 white bubble coral and 1 leather toadstool. Anemone: 2 condylactis anemone, 1 pink haitian and one long tenticle anemone.Starfish: 1 chocolate chip and 1 green brittlestarfish. Fish:1 Humu humu trigger, 2 niger trigger(only keeping one), 1 Coral hogfish, 1 yellow tang, 1 tomato clown, 1 maroon clown, 1 lunare wrasse, 1 blue head wrasse, 1 green un ID'd wrasse. 10 percent water change weekly, 30 percent w/c monthly plus topping off evaporation. Water testing done weekly. Ammonia 0 ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, nitrate 10 ppm or less. Salinity and KH adjusted as needed for evaporation.

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More Info

State: New York
Country: United States
Description: I have several tanks. Both Fresh and Saltwater. These are my tank sizes: 30g hospital tank, 50g saltwater, 135g saltwater , 264 gallon freshwater cichlid tank. I over filter all my tanks and do freaquent water changes and top off evaporation (once a week).
Advice: Reasearch the fish you want to keep before you purchase them. Get a bigger tank than you think you will need (anything smaller than a 4 foot 50 gallon is best for a hospital tank). Remember the 1 inch fish you buy in a shop could turn into a 12 or 15 inch monster, so research and buy a good size tank !
Fish Kept: Freshwater: Cichlids: Oscars, Portwine acara (breeding pairs), jack dempsey, frontosa,Firemouth, Various African Mbuna, many other species over the years. Saltwater: Humu humu trigger, niger trigger, coral hogfish, lunare wrasse, blue head wrasse, maroon clown, tomato clown, pajama cardinals, blue damsel, domino damsel, yellow tail damsel and blue/green damsel, neon dottyback. chocolate chip starfish and green brittle star, pink tipped haitian anemone, condylactis anemone, long tenticled anemone.
Corals/Plants: 2 white bubble coral and one leather toadstool coral. Live Rock: Tukani and figi
Tank Size: 264 gallons
About Yourself: Cichlid breeder/hobbist for 24 yrs . I recently took the plunge into saltwater fish and really like it.


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