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This picture looks better than 99.21% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 7.11
This picture has been rated : 37 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Size of aquarium: 480 liters, 160x50x60 cm
Filters: 1 x Eheim Ytterfilter 2217 - Classic, 1000 l/t och 1 x Eheim Ytterfilter 2028 - Professional 2, 1050 l/t
Air pump: Rena Air 200
Fluorescent lighting: 2 x Power-Glo 150 cm 58 w
Heater: Jäger 300w, 29°
Fitting: Own background, different kinds of roots, fabric plants and sometimes real plants.
Material at bottom: Fine English sand
A lot of caring = Beautiful and prosperous Discus fishes
Fish Kept:
11 Discus ( 2 Blue Diamond, 2 Royal Blue, 1 Red Melon, 1 Golden Melon, 1 Rose Red, 1 Golden Candle, 1 Checkerboard pigeon, 1 Leopard, 1 Marlboro Red) 2 Ancistrus, 1 Gibbicept, 1 Platydoras costatus, 3 st Corydoras.
Most only fabric plants.
Tank Size:
127 gallons
About Yourself:
I have had many aquariums and many different kinds of fish. As I have tried on new varieties and have experienced their different ways of playing and caring for their brood, curiosity has only become greater. And now it is only Discus!