Photo #5 - Heros Severum - 2 Discus 4 Angelfish Differen...

freshwater fish - heros serverus - green severum stocking in 350 gallons tank - Heros severum
Submitted By: Fernando Vidal on
Photo Caption: Heros severum
350 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - AQUA =: 350L : 2 Aqua filter Pro Sp2(ext. filter), T5 lightning 2 x48W , aquaheater 300w. FISH = discus,angelfish,apistogramma sp., green phantom pleco, net pleco, axolotl and a firebelly newt. PLANTS = echinodorus bleheri,valineria, others plants are from south america but i can remember the names.
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freshwater fish - heros serverus - green severum stocking in 350 gallons tank - Heros severum
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freshwater fish - acarichthys heckelii - thread-finned cichlid stocking in 350 gallons tank - Heckeli
350 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - other snap of my tank
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Rank Info

Ranked #948 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 87.35% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.61
This picture has been rated : 31 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

Country: Belgium
Description: 350Liter (130x50x50) with filter pro sp2 (external filter), T5 lightning ,aquaheater 300w, mostly amazonfish like angelfish,dwarf cichlids, discus, corydoras ...
Advice: Check out the fish/plants on the net before you buy them.
Fish Kept: 2 Discus 4 angelfish Different sorts of corydoras 5 red minor 2 apistogramma viejita&cactuoides 1 ramirezi ram 1 pleco 1 net pleco 1 green phantom pleco 2 discorus filmamentosis 5 litlle schrips (red white) 1 axolotl 1 firebellynewt 3 amazon puffers
Corals/Plants: valisneria echinodorus bleheri and some others plants which name i don't remember
Tank Size: 350 gallons
Quote: i didn't do it
About Yourself: 27y old like football,(standard de liege), animals , music , jamaican herbs ;)


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