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This picture looks better than 83.74% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.06
This picture has been rated : 48 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
20 gallon tank
red sea prizam skimmer
cascade 700 canister filter
compact lighting 5 36 watt combo bulbs stuffed in a hood LED moon light
prime mini chiller 1/15
hand made surface skimer
read ,read ,read !!!!!
Fish Kept:
1 female white stripe maroon clown
1 male yellow stripe maroon clown
2 female scooter dragonets
1 male scooter dragonet
1 royal gramma (Fairy basslet)
1 fire shrimp
10-15 zebra hermits
7 turbo snails
3-4 astrea spp. (star shells)
6-8 nerites snail
5-6 sand snails
3 giant feather duster worms
1 mushroom polyps
70 large button polyps on 1 rock
10 zoathus pulchellus (zoathid button polyps)caribbean species
1 leather coral frag
50 pounds of fiji live rock
Tank Size:
29 gallons
dont have one
About Yourself:
I got in to the hobby watching jack cousteau when i was younger on tv