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This picture looks better than 76.59% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.71
This picture has been rated : 167 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
More Info
Tropical Freshwater (4ft x 2ft x 2ft)
Community Tank-
AquaOne Airation/Current System,
Fluval Filtration System,
Fitted Heto Light Setup,
Blue Neon Backlight,
Heating System,
Always ask yourself...will the fish be happy in the environment i have created? We always aim to create a natural environment to replicate the habitat of the fish we keep. To keep the wide variety of fish friendly and relaxed we ensure all fish are comfortable and safe within the community. Natural plants, driftwood, moss and sand must be carefully arranaged to recreate a real life riverbank.
Fish Kept:
Marble Bristle Nose Pleco (Pairx2), Spotted Bristle Nose Pleco (Pairx2), Sterba's Cory, Sailfin Pleco, Kuhli Loach (x2), Upsidedown Catfish, Albino Red Tailed Botia, Borneo Sucker, Albino Corydoras (x2), Tiger Barbs (x5), White Tiger Barbs (x2), Green Tiger Barbs (x2), Silver Shark (x2), Blood Red Jewel, Black Ghost Knife, Golden Snails (x5), African Butterfly Fish, Kribensis (x2 Pair)
Midnight sand w/ Gravel, Natural Driftwood w/ Moss, Terracotta Breeding Pipe, Saw Grasses, Java Ferns, Thick Val, Thin Val, Purple Hydro, Dwarf anubias, Potamogeton gayii, Spring Lilly, Floating Plants, Broadleaved Anubias
Tank Size:
50 gallons
"Get ya hand outta the tank" J
About Yourself:
We're a dedicated, enthusiastic team of young designers creating tropical environments.