More Info
United Kingdom
3ftx2ftx2ft fluval vicenza bow front, fluval filter, jad heater, 2 daylight florescent tubes, hydro atop bubble machine with leds.
2 bala sharks,
1 common pleco,
8 black neon tetra,
8 silver tip tetra,
2 Mexican mollies white
2 Mexican mollies black
9 male guppies 6 female, variety. Two swordtails, 4 tuxedo mollies, 1 clown loach, God knows how many ramshorn and pond snails lol
Read up on the net, any questions Google it, Google holds the answer to all fish related things.
Fish Kept:
Bala Shark, Common Pleco, Platy, Dalmatian Molly, Silver Tip Tetra, Black Neon Tetra, Blue Delta Guppy, Red Cobra Delta Guppy, Green Cobra Guppy
Not sure of their names.
Tank Size:
150 gallons
elvis is in the building
About Yourself:
I'm May, 18, from UK, love Elvis and fish, I have a daughter called Presley who's three months.. I like rockabilly and the 50's..