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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
Great Britain
Blackwater biotope
Super fish aquaflow 100 filter
6 sterbai corydoras
Research as much as you can. Don't impulse buy!
Fish Kept:
Sterba's Cory, Butterfly Hillstream Loach, Dwarf Puffer, Blue Delta Guppy
Java fern, anubias barteri
Tank Size:
15 gallons
About Yourself:
I got into the hobby by accident. I was stupid enough to win a goldfish in a fair prize, with no experience of fish keeping. Even though this goldfish passed away, I continued to research how to care for fish as I wanted to know how I could keep these amazing animals alive.
My first tank (15 gallons) wasn't very good. It had all your run of the mill fish (guppies, tetras etc). However one day I came across a goby - who I found out to be a Lentipes multiradiatus - and I became addicted to them. I now have a hillstream biotope with all manner of gobies.
I also have a 15 gallon blackwater biotope as I found out I also love Corie's! It is hard to say if I prefer gobies or Corie's. They're both great.
Finally I have a 5 gallon lightly planted tank for the Lentipes I mentioned earlier. It is very special to me as it was the 'gateway' to discovering a whole manner of awesome fish.