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This picture looks better than 21.99% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.52
This picture has been rated : 31 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United Kingdom
have a 65 gallon tank. have american cichild's and some pleco's and catfish. Added a silver arowana the other day
good filteration and weekly water change and filter maitanence.
Fish Kept:
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, Mexican cichlid,2 Blood Parrot, Black Convict Cichlid and fry, Gold Severum, Red Marlboro Discus, 2 Upside Down Cat, 2 Sailfin Pleco (L-83), Synodontis Eupterus Catfish, 2Firemouth Cichlid, Green Terror, Tire Track Eel, 4Clown Loach, 2 wild rotkiel severum, silver arowana
no plants just ornaments and coral rock and plastic helicopter in the middle.
Tank Size:
65 gallons
go big
About Yourself:
started with gold fish in a 25litre tank then decided to go bigger. partners brother got me into the american cichlids