Photo #1 - Rhino Pecostomus - 1 Opaline Gourami,1 Striped Ra...

freshwater fish - pterygoplichthys scrophus - rhino pleco stocking in 30 gallons tank - Rhino Pecostomus
freshwater fish - megalamphodus megalopterus - black phantom tetra stocking in 30 gallons tank - Here you can see my Black Phantom Tetra Hanging out closley with my Rosey Barb.
Rhino Pecostomus
Submitted By: erik on
Photo Caption: Rhino Pecostomus

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freshwater fish - pterygoplichthys scrophus - rhino pleco stocking in 30 gallons tank - Rhino Pecostomus
freshwater fish - megalamphodus megalopterus - black phantom tetra stocking in 30 gallons tank - Here you can see my Black Phantom Tetra Hanging out closley with my Rosey Barb.
freshwater fish - barbus denisonii - denison barb stocking in 30 gallons tank - This is my Rosey Barb hanging out with my Red Eye Tetra. I got them together and they have made a school with my newer Phantom Tetra and the lucky feeder.
freshwater fish - moenkhausia sanctaefilomene - red eye tetra stocking in 30 gallons tank - This is my Red Eye Tetra.
freshwater fish - trichogaster trichopterus - opaline gourami stocking in 30 gallons tank - This is my Opaline Gourami. She is just over a year old now. Here she is hiding in her new favorite spot behind a piece of drift wood.
freshwater fish - barbus denisonii - denison barb stocking in 30 gallons tank - A brilliant shimmer from my Rosey Barb
corals inverts - pomacea canaliculata - apple snail stocking in 30 gallons tank - This is my Apple Snail. She is eating algea off of my filter.
freshwater fish - trichogaster trichopterus - opaline gourami stocking in 30 gallons tank - Apple Snail and Opaline Gourami hanging out in the corner. Cool reflection from the surface of the water too!
freshwater fish - platydoras costatus - striped raphael catfish stocking in 30 gallons tank - Striped Raphael Catfish
freshwater fish - poecilia latipinna - dalmatian molly stocking in 30 gallons tank - Dalmation Balloon Molly
freshwater fish - carassius auratus - red cap oranda goldfish stocking in 30 gallons tank - Feeder
30 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - This is my first tank but it has been up and running with good success for over a year now. My oldest fish is my Opaline Gourami at just over a year old and my newest is my Phantom Tetra and Dalmation Balloon Molly. I got them a month ago. UPDATE - Just got a Rhino Plecostomus. Cool little guy. Can't wait till he gets bigger.

Rank Info

Ranked #4866 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 35.07% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.91
This picture has been rated : 58 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

State: Michigan
Country: United States
Description: glass tank, 36"L, 12"W, 18"H
Advice: patience patience patience
Fish Kept: 1 Opaline Gourami,1 Striped Raphael Catfish,1 Black Phantom Tetra,1 Red Eye Tetra,1 Rosy Barb,1 Apple Snail, 1 Dalmation Balloon Molly, and 1 feeder that got lucky!
Corals/Plants: All fake
Tank Size: 30 gallons
Quote: If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing right.
About Yourself: College student at Western Michigan University. Planning on upgrading freshwater to 110gal and turn my 30gal fresh into a saltwater by the end of '06.


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