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United Kingdom
Asian temple theme. 15 gallon Jewel tank. Fluval U3. Left side starts with old Asian hut with duel bubble air pump, bubbles rotating the water wheel and bubble going up through the chimney. Abandoned fishing boat tucked in behind the hut. Middle section contains caves with trenches and different levels for the loaches. Across the bridge to the 3D printed and hand painted rock formation. The rock formation also has a three way tunnel system with a small space for the loaches to hide. Followed by carpet plants, rocks and shells that surrounds the formation.
Do your research first, ask yourself what you want the most from a tank and research how to achieve that. I wish I used aquarium soil before applying the gravel substrate to allow plants to grow better.
Fish Kept:
White Blushing Angel, Golden Gourami, Electric Yellow Cichlid, Firemouth Cichlid, Dwarf Loach, Yoyo Loach, Zebra Danio, Mickey Mouse Platy, Red Minor Serpae Tetra, Platinum Angelfish, Dwarf Rainbow Fish
Echinodorus bleheri (Amazon sword), Hygrophila siamensis XL, Micranthemum Monte-Carlo - #1 Carpeting Plant, Anubias nana bonzai, Micranthemum umbrosum, Bacopa australis (Australian bacopa), Tropica Staurogyne repens 1-2-GROW!, Tropica Gratiola viscidula 1-2-GROW!, Anubias Barter XL, Limnophila Heterophylla.
Tank Size:
15 gallons
About Yourself:
Started off as a Valentines gift with 2 Platy to 2 year hobby.