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This picture looks better than 61.13% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.18
This picture has been rated : 119 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.08
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United States
This is a 40 gallon (breeder) tank that is 36"/18"/17". With it I have an eheim 2213 classic canister filter, and two 100 watt jager heaters. I keep an 18 watt flora sun light in the hood that came with the tank. (Lighting system is temporary). All wood is real Mopani driftwood and the rock is a lava rock.
To have a successful aquarium you have to be very patient. Make sure you read up on the nitrogen cycle and let your tank cycle! While your tank is cycling (will be about a month) read up on the fish you plan on getting and the specific plans you have for your fish tank. Make sure you are not overstocking, your fish get along, feeding the right amount, etc.
Fish Kept:
Currently I have two keyhole cichlids, two bolivian rams, two swordtails (red), 5 spotted corys, a BN pleco, an angel fish, a bamboo shrimp, three ghost shrimp, and a paradise fish.
Two java ferns, a marimo moss ball, two amazon swords, anubias, two bronze wendths, and various other swords.
Tank Size:
40 gallons
Patience is a virtue!