Photo #1 - Lake Malawi Mbuna Reef Tank 90 Gal 48"x18&...

90 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Lake Malawi Mbuna Reef Tank 90 Gal 48"x18"x24" Hard Water with salt buffer 200lbs of various real rock aragonite, crushed coral and live sand mix 1 flourescent tube 3 LED light bubblers 1 bubble snake Rena Digital Heater XP3 canister filter LED Day/Moon light Deep Water airpump Day/Night Timer Residents Red Zebra Yellow Zebra Yellow Lab Red Top Kimpuna Yellow Tail Acei Kenyi Afra Cobue Albino Socolofi Mixed Blue Kimpuna/Yellow Lab mix Yellow Zebra/Red Zebra Mix Elec Blue Hap Male Sturtigranti Peacock Female Black Zebra Convict Pink Convict Albino Chinese Algae Eater Sail FIn Pleco Bristlenose Pleco Weather loach
freshwater fish - sciaenochromis fryeri - electric blue hap stocking in 90 gallons tank - Elec Blue Hap Male Approx 4.5" long
Lake Malawi Mbuna Reef Tank 90 Gal 48"x18"x24" Hard Water with salt buffer 200lbs of various real rock aragonite, crushed coral and live sand mix 1 flourescent tube 3 LED light bubblers 1 bubble snake Rena Digital Heater XP3 canister filter LED Day/Moon light Deep Water airpump Day/Night Timer Residents Red Zebra Yellow Zebra Yellow Lab Red Top Kimpuna Yellow ...
Submitted By: Mandy on
Photo Caption: Lake Malawi Mbuna Reef Tank 90 Gal 48"x18"x24" Hard Water with salt buffer 200lbs of various real rock aragonite, crushed coral and live sand mix 1 flourescent tube 3 LED light bubblers 1 bubble snake Rena Digital Heater XP3 canister filter LED Day/Moon light Deep Water airpump Day/Night Timer Residents Red Zebra Yellow Zebra Yellow Lab Red Top Kimpuna Yellow Tail Acei Kenyi Afra Cobue Albino Socolofi Mixed Blue Kimpuna/Yellow Lab mix Yellow Zebra/Red Zebra Mix Elec Blue Hap Male Sturtigranti Peacock Female Black Zebra Convict Pink Convict Albino Chinese Algae Eater Sail FIn Pleco Bristlenose Pleco Weather loach

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90 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Lake Malawi Mbuna Reef Tank 90 Gal 48"x18"x24" Hard Water with salt buffer 200lbs of various real rock aragonite, crushed coral and live sand mix 1 flourescent tube 3 LED light bubblers 1 bubble snake Rena Digital Heater XP3 canister filter LED Day/Moon light Deep Water airpump Day/Night Timer Residents Red Zebra Yellow Zebra Yellow Lab Red Top Kimpuna Yellow Tail Acei Kenyi Afra Cobue Albino Socolofi Mixed Blue Kimpuna/Yellow Lab mix Yellow Zebra/Red Zebra Mix Elec Blue Hap Male Sturtigranti Peacock Female Black Zebra Convict Pink Convict Albino Chinese Algae Eater Sail FIn Pleco Bristlenose Pleco Weather loach
freshwater fish - sciaenochromis fryeri - electric blue hap stocking in 90 gallons tank - Elec Blue Hap Male Approx 4.5" long

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Ranked #322 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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More Info

Country: Canada
Description: Lake Malawi Mbuna Reef Tank 90 Gal 48"x18"x24" Hard Water with salt buffer 200lbs of various real rock aragonite, crushed coral and live sand mix 1 flourescent tube 3 LED light bubblers 1 bubble snake Rena Digital Heater XP3 canister filter LED Day/Moon light Deep Water airpump Day/Night Timer
Advice: Plan out exactly what you like before you buy. Don't be afraid to change things around every once in a while.
Fish Kept: Red Zebra Yellow Zebra Yellow Lab Red Top Kimpuna Yellow Tail Acei Kenyi Afra Cobue Albino Socolofi Mixed Blue Kimpuna/Yellow Lab mix Yellow Zebra/Red Zebra Mix Elec Blue Hap Male Sturtigranti Peacock Female Black Zebra Convict Pink Convict Albino Chinese Algae Eater Sail FIn Pleco Bristlenose Pleco Weather loach
Corals/Plants: none
Tank Size: 90 gallons
About Yourself: new to the breed but have had tanks for many years


Yep I do know the difference between haps and mbuna. My main fish are mbuna and I have a hap. The loach did end up dying I think. He disappeared. The convicts are doing great. They are breeding and with all the other fish, I have about a 0-1 fry survival rate. fish avatar
I had a couple things to say first off I rated this a 9 I love the tank I'm big on African Cichlids. In your photo caption you said mbuna but then said you have haps, there is a difference if you didn't know and keep me updated cause I would like to know how the American convicts do and the loachs. fish avatar
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