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This picture looks better than 93.88% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.38
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
Lake Malawi Mbuna Reef Tank
90 Gal
Hard Water with salt buffer
200lbs of various real rock
aragonite, crushed coral and live sand mix
1 flourescent tube
3 LED light bubblers
1 bubble snake
Rena Digital Heater
XP3 canister filter
LED Day/Moon light
Deep Water airpump
Day/Night Timer
Plan out exactly what you like before you buy. Don't be afraid to change things around every once in a while.
Fish Kept:
Red Zebra
Yellow Zebra
Yellow Lab
Red Top Kimpuna
Yellow Tail Acei
Afra Cobue
Albino Socolofi
Mixed Blue
Kimpuna/Yellow Lab mix
Yellow Zebra/Red Zebra Mix
Elec Blue Hap Male
Sturtigranti Peacock Female
Black Zebra Convict
Pink Convict
Albino Chinese Algae Eater
Sail FIn Pleco
Bristlenose Pleco
Weather loach
Tank Size:
90 gallons
About Yourself:
new to the breed but have had tanks for many years