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This picture looks better than 73.81% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.67
This picture has been rated : 49 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
65 gal with power compacts, two T5's, powerbrite LED's (old picture)
take your time dont rush and get as much info as possible before you get into it.
Fish Kept:
powder brown, naso tang, brown tang, vlamingi tang, flame angel, magestic angel, scissortail goby, jawfish,dimond goby, red coris, twinspot wrasse, chromis, neon dottyback, maroon clown, canary blenny
red poyps, neon green polyps, brown polyps, blue polyps, button polyps, geen star polyps, green button polyps, green hammer coral, brown hammer coral, fox coral, fine grape, purple mushrooms, red mushrooms, blue mushrooms, green mushrooms, green open brain, pulsing xenias, cinnimon polyp,
2 red brains, 7 orange ricordias, green cup coral.
Tank Size:
65 gallons