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This picture looks better than 59.86% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.15
This picture has been rated : 155 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
44 gallon tank. Lighting-36" Fluorescent twin-tube aquarium reflector. 125 volt - 75 watts. Emeror 400 power filter with dual bio wheels. Tank heater. 1 AquaClear 30 powerhead. 1 48" flexible bubble wand. 50 lbs of gravel. 1 air pump. 1 Lok-Tite chrome gang valve. 18" of clear tubing.
Take your time to pick out exactly what you want in your tank. Take the time to try new setups for all decorations and plants. Plan ahead so that you won't have to restart from the beginning. Cleall all decorations and accessories before adding in water. Last but not least, test all equipment before setting up and then plugging in.
Fish Kept:
6 Tiger Barbs, 5 Zebra Danios, 2 Red Platies, 1 Topsail Platy, 2 Black Sailfin Mollies, 1 Plecostamus & 2 Golden Mystery Snails
All plastic.
Tank Size:
44 gallons
I don't act, I react
About Yourself:
I've always wanted a big tank. My wife came home one day and said that she got a deal on a 44 gallon tank and then it ended up in the middle of my living room. I then had to start this new project. It was new to me, but I definitely love the new hobby.