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This picture looks better than 93.35% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6
This picture has been rated : 16 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
75 Gallon standard size
Eheim Pro 2 2028 Canister Filter
Rena Top Cal 300 & 150 Watt heaters
Aquaclear 10 gallon power head
1 48'' Florescent Tube lighting
Elite 799 Air pump and air stone
Coralife Digital Thermometer
2 Magfloat glass cleaners
Read, Read, Surf forums, don't get discouraged if fish die it happens and is something to learn from. Spend the money in the beginning, because you will spend it later anyways. Go for a tank as big as you can afford, then add a foot :)
Fish Kept:
1 x Tiger Oscar (1 year old, 8 Inch)
1 x Salvini (5 Inch)
1 x Convict (5 Inch)
1 x Pleco (11 Inch)
Tank Size:
75 gallons
live and let live
About Yourself:
got a fish tank as a kid and have had one ever since