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This picture looks better than 58.33% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.09
This picture has been rated : 104 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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4 Feet Community Tank with 2 PL and one 4 feet Philips Trulite,boyu power filter, and river sand mixed with fertilizer,electronic Co2 and sponge filter on for 24 hours.
Research before you setup a Planted tank. internet would be the best option to do so.water changes atleast once in aweek
Fish Kept:
4 x discus, school of rummynose,school of crystal eye rasboras, boeasmania rainbows,school of Harley Quin,and red cherry shrimps
vallesnaria,amazonia,pigmi grass,hygrophilia,rottela and red lotus,driftwood for decor
Tank Size:
100 gallons
About Yourself:
It feels good to see an aquarium at home.Started with a goldfish bowl and then to 2 feet planted tank and now with 4 feet community tank.Keep it natural do not mix your planted tank with fake plants or artificial decor.