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The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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South Africa
Tropical 4ft (120x60x60) aquarium host a variety of African Cichlids.
The setup:
2X30watt tubes white and blue.
25 Kg of white fine gravel.
35 Kg of River slate and rock.
400w glass heater.
500l/hr internal filter.
1500l/hr external canister filter.
Total filteration of 2000l/hr.
(tank size 450l).
Keeping and caring for fish is a wonderful experience and the joys of sucess is un-speakable. I have been in this hobby now for over five years and the best advice for me to give starting hobbyists is when starting is get the get the largest tank that you can afford as well as good filteration, for i have a total of five tanks ( 3 x 3ft and 2 x 4ft tanks). Keep good water conditions and try to keep tank setup as natural as possible. Make sure you also find a suitable supplier that you can trust in giving you quality products as well as fish. All the best to you starting off and wish you great sucess.
Fish Kept:
The Fish: 9 cichlids from 3 inch upwards
2 x Pseudotropheus demasoni ( Malawi )
1 x Maylandia emmiltos ( Malawi )
2 x Labidochromis caeruleus ( Malawi )
2 x Nimbochromis venustus ( Malawi )
2 x Cyphotilapia frontosa ( Tanzania )
2 x Plecos ( Common )
No plants in this tank, just alot of natural stacked rock for this is best setup for these fish and they love lots of places to hide and play.
Tank Size:
120 gallons
About Yourself:
I started with a simple 3ft and enjoyed it so much that i could not stop. Now i have 5 tanks, I have a african cichlid tank, angels and discuss tank and a amazon setup tank. Kepping fish can become a costly game so dont over commite yourself and dont lose faith even trough the bad times. Enjoy Saresh.