Photo #1 - 180 Gallon Reef Tank - 10 Year Plus Hippo, Empero...

180 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - 180 Gallon Reef Tank
180 Gallon Reef Tank
Submitted By: angelf on
Photo Caption: 180 Gallon Reef Tank

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State: Ohio
Country: United States
Description: Tank Specs: All-Glass 180 Reef Ready 72x24x24 Lighting: PFO/IceCap Hood with two IceCap 4" fans, Dual 400Watt PFO MH Ballast pushing 2 - 400Watt 6500k Iwasaki MH bulbs on each each. In the middle I have a 20000k Radium 400Watt MH Bulb on a PFO 400Watt HQI Ballast. A IceCap 660 VHO Ballast pushing 2 160Watt Actinic Blue URI bulbs. Circulation: The returns are my main circulation. I have two Tunze Stream Pumps, with one on each end connected to a controller to add extra current to the tank. Filtration: The overflows from the 180 go to the garage to a 100 Gallon Rubbermaid stock tank that is a little over half full that holds macro algae, Live Rock (100lbs of Premium Fiji, Pohnpei, Marshall Island, Caribbean, and Kaelini Tonga Ultra). I have a PC Light over top of it and it holds 500w heater in it and the skimmer is run from it with a ground probe in the tank. I have a 300 Gallon Stock tank connected to the 100 gallon sump that holds coral frags, large fish, 700pounds + of live rock, the chiller is connected to it. The water is returned to the 180 gallon tank with a Iwaki WMD40RLXT pump from the 100 gallon sump. I have about 200LBS of Live Rock and I also have Live Sand in the 180. The LS and LR have been in different tanks for over the past 9 years, so they are well matured. I have mixed sand, Some live and some not, all fine grain sand. I also used Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Live Reef Sand from Advance Aqua Tanks, This stuff works great. It makes up 50% or more of the sand in my tanks. It is cheaper than most Live Sand. I use Instant Ocean for my mix. Everything is connected to a APC Smart-up Battery Pack so I do not have to worry about power outages. Extras: Korallin Kalkreaktor by Monolith Marine Monsters (Replaced July 2004) . Now using a PRECISION MARINE 6 X 24 CALCIUM REACTOR W/EHIM PUMP. This is used to keep my CA and ALK up. Aqualogic chiller was added Feb. 2003 (upgraded to a larger one in March 2004, a Delta 1/2 HP Inline Chiller) and a AquaC 400 Skimmer was also added (changed to an E.T.S.S 1400 ran by a Mag 36 in June 2005) Additives: I use a CA Reactor for Calcium and Alkalinity (started using 12/2001). I also add Reef Solution by EcoSystem Aquarium (started using 11-22-2000). I add DT's Phytoplankton to feed the corals and I use Formula One, Formula Two, and Angel Formula from Ocean Nutrition to feed my fish. I also feed them Frozen Spirulina Enriched Brine Shrimp, Frozen Plankton, and Emerald Entree by San Francisco Bay Brand. I feed one cube of each once a day. I also have Nori Seaweed from the Grocery store on a clip, one piece is added everyday few days. I soak all the food in Selcon by American Marine Inc and Vita-Chem by Boyd Enterprise Inc. I use Instant Ocean for my mix. Critters: Blue Spotted RabbitFish Siganus corallinus (Purchased 6/2003) housed in the 300 gallon grow-out tank, Purple Tang (purchased 1/2000), Hippo Tang (purchased 1995), White-faced Tang (purchased 6/2002), Lamarks Angel (Purchased 2/2004), Emperor Angel (purchased 5/2003), 5 Green Chromis (purchased 1/2001), 2 MandarinFish (male purchased 2/2003, female purchased 3/2004 Male passed about May 2005), Green Clown Goby (purchased 5/2003 passed way), Yellow Clown Goby (purchased 2/2004), 2 Red Scooter Blennies (purchased 8/2002) Male pasted away 1/2005, Rabbitfish Siganus doliatus (purchased 1/2003) Blue Tuxedo Urchin, several Serpent Stars, Urchin, few Hermit Crabs, few snails, Variety of mushrooms, Acroporas, Montiporas, Button Polyps, Turbinaria, Montipora foliosa, Fire Coral, Clams, some Macroalgae, other SPS Corals and more. There is also a few other crabs and items growing on the rocks.
Advice: take your time
Fish Kept: 10 year plus hippo, Emperor Angel, and other tanks
Corals/Plants: SPS Corals
Tank Size: 180 gallons


ypur wallet must be empty lol fish avatar
i give you a 10! fish avatar
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