Photo #1 - I Have A Naso Tang, Two Fire Fish, Yellow Watchma...

58 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - I have a naso tang, two fire fish, yellow watchman goby, gudgeon goby, neon dottyback, bicolor blenny, mandarian goby, jaw fish, orcid dottyback, six lined wrasse, and tons of inverts There are four types of mushrooms-brown fuzzies, electric blues, green fuzzies, and green, four types of polyps-yellow, green stars, green button, and red sand, a fiji yellow leather, devils hand leather, five headed frog spawn, bubble coral, cup coral, and a clam.
I have a naso tang, two fire fish, yellow watchman goby, gudgeon goby, neon dottyback, bicolor blenny, mandarian goby, jaw fish, orcid dottyback, six lined wrasse, and tons of inverts There are four types of mushrooms-brown fuzzies, electric blues, green fuzzies, and green, four types of polyps-yellow, green stars, green button, and red sand, a fiji yellow leather, devils hand ...
Submitted By: naso on
Photo Caption: I have a naso tang, two fire fish, yellow watchman goby, gudgeon goby, neon dottyback, bicolor blenny, mandarian goby, jaw fish, orcid dottyback, six lined wrasse, and tons of inverts There are four types of mushrooms-brown fuzzies, electric blues, green fuzzies, and green, four types of polyps-yellow, green stars, green button, and red sand, a fiji yellow leather, devils hand leather, five headed frog spawn, bubble coral, cup coral, and a clam.

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More Info

State: Missouri
Country: United States
Description: 58 gal, 36inx18inx21in, single over-flo with one return from oceanic, 475 watts of total light from custom aquatics. i have a 29 gal refugium sump from oceanic(30 lbs of mud and 8lbs aprox. of seaweed), and 121 pounds of rock.
Advice: lots and lots of reaserch it took me 5 years and i am still reading and asking tons of questions
Fish Kept: I have a naso tang, two fire fish, yellow watchman goby, gudgeon goby, neon dottyback, bicolor blenny, mandarian goby, jaw fish, and tons of inverts
Corals/Plants: There are two types of mushrooms-brown fuzzies and green, four types of polyps-yellow, green stars, green button, and red sand, a fiji yellow leather, devils hand leather, five headed frog spawn, bubble coral, cup coral, xenias (x4), ande an orange carnation coral that was a loose frag.
Tank Size: 58 gallons
Quote: it's fresh, it's new, it's noah's arcade
About Yourself: never have been good at this but i'll give it a shot. My name is Ryan i am 24 years old and i live in Missouri. I have worked at petco for the past 5 years in the aquatic department where i discovered the wonderful world of saltwater. I didn't do much in my spare time so i picked a hobby that takes up all my time off of work- REEF TANKS!!!! I have been doing it for the past three years and had fish and rock tanks for aprox. 5 years.


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