View pictures of 72 gallons fish tanks and aquariums Below

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72 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

72 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 72 Gallon
Description: 72 Gallon
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 64.16% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #1886 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 4.27    Votes: 108

72 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

72 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 72 bow
Description: 72 bow
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 24.28% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #3985 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.33    Votes: 102

72 Gallons Planted Tank

72 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - 72 gallon bow front planted aquarium
Description: 72 gallon bow front planted aquarium
Category: Planted Tanks
Country: Canada

This tank picture looks better than 95.43% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #124 out of 2712 planted tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 6.79    Votes: 124

72 Gallons Planted Tank

72 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - I have a natural tank, no fake plants, rocks or other decorations and I use Ehiem canister as my filter.
Description: I have a natural tank, no fake plants, rocks or other decorations and I use Ehiem canister as my filter.
Category: Planted Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 43.47% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #1533 out of 2712 planted tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 4.64    Votes: 132

72 Gallons Reef Tank

72 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - my reef tank been runnin 8 months
Description: my reef tank been runnin 8 months
Category: Reef Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 56.8% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #689 out of 1595 reef tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 5.29    Votes: 155

72 Gallons Planted Tank

72 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - Anubias on driftwood (soon to be anubias tree)
Description: Anubias on driftwood (soon to be anubias tree)
Category: Planted Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 18.62% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #2207 out of 2712 planted tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.83    Votes: 115

72 Gallons Planted Tank

72 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - 72 Gallon Bowfront
Geophagus Jurupari
4 Freshwater Barracudas
Pictus Catfish 
Anubias on Driftwood, Java Jern, Amazon Sword
Natural Driftwood, Fluvala 404 Filtration Koralia Evolution Powerhead, @ 46" Sunglo blubs
Description: 72 Gallon Bowfront Fish: Geophagus Jurupari 4 Freshwater Barracudas Pictus Catfish Plants: Anubias on Driftwood, Java Jern, Amazon Sword Setup: Natural Driftwood, Fluvala 404 Filtration Koralia Evolution Powerhead, @ 46" Sunglo blubs
Category: Planted Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 38.27% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #1674 out of 2712 planted tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 4.47    Votes: 126

72 Gallons Reef Tank

72 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - Reef Tank
Description: Reef Tank
Category: Reef Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 73.35% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #425 out of 1595 reef tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 5.71    Votes: 164

72 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

72 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Tank Finally cycled.  Fish now have a bigger home
Description: Tank Finally cycled. Fish now have a bigger home
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 81.09% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #995 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 4.75    Votes: 142

72 Gallons Reef Tank

72 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - Reef Tank
Description: Reef Tank
Category: Reef Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 82.13% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #285 out of 1595 reef tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 5.99    Votes: 241