View pictures of 45 gallons fish tanks and aquariums Below

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45 Gallons Reef Tank

45 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - Tank
Description: Tank
Category: Reef Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 55.86% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #704 out of 1595 reef tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 5.27    Votes: 352

45 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

45 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - My Tank
Description: My Tank
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United Kingdom

This tank picture looks better than 50.31% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #2615 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.94    Votes: 193

45 Gallons Reef Tank

45 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - front shot of aquarium
Description: front shot of aquarium
Category: Reef Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 91.6% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #134 out of 1595 reef tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 6.39    Votes: 322

45 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

45 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - My 45 Gallon Tall Cichlid Tank.
Description: My 45 Gallon Tall Cichlid Tank.
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 38.78% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #3222 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.68    Votes: 114

45 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

45 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 3 foot community tank with angels,
gouramis, red eye tetras, red blue columbian tetras &
bristlenose catfish
Description: 3 foot community tank with angels, gouramis, red eye tetras, red blue columbian tetras & bristlenose catfish
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: Australia

This tank picture looks better than 43.7% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #2963 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.78    Votes: 115

45 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

45 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Ayantika's Aquarium
Description: Ayantika's Aquarium
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: India

This tank picture looks better than 46.25% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #2829 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.84    Votes: 123

45 Gallons Planted Tank

45 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish)
Category: Planted Tanks
Country: South Africa

This tank picture looks better than 44.91% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #1494 out of 2712 planted tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 4.68    Votes: 136

45 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

45 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations)
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: India

This tank picture looks better than 11.5% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #4658 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 2.97    Votes: 116

45 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

45 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations)
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United Kingdom

This tank picture looks better than 37.45% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #3292 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.65    Votes: 34

45 Gallons Planted Tank

45 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - Eel City. The fire eel is in the rocks at the bottom, and the peacock eel is half-buried between the ship and the pot, in the long grass. He's an expert hider.
Description: Eel City. The fire eel is in the rocks at the bottom, and the peacock eel is half-buried between the ship and the pot, in the long grass. He's an expert hider.
Category: Planted Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 18.88% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #2200 out of 2712 planted tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.84    Votes: 131