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30 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

30 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - My 30gal
Description: My 30gal
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 20.48% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #4185 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.24    Votes: 108

30 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

30 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - it is a 30 gallon 2.5 by 1.5 feet dimensions, around 110litres . It has 2 double pumps with one filter.their are 4 decorations with attached air stones and their is one bubble wand also i got a led light along with bubble maker attatched, other are all fake plants included.
Description: it is a 30 gallon 2.5 by 1.5 feet dimensions, around 110litres . It has 2 double pumps with one filter.their are 4 decorations with attached air stones and their is one bubble wand also i got a led light along ...
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: India

This tank picture looks better than 25.29% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #3932 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.36    Votes: 104

30 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

30 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - my 2 year old 30 gallon tank
Description: my 2 year old 30 gallon tank
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 20.6% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #4179 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.24    Votes: 107

30 Gallons Reef Tank

30 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - my 1 gallon cookie jar reef. filterless self contained ecosystem. been up for 5 months with the corals.
Description: my 1 gallon cookie jar reef. filterless self contained ecosystem. been up for 5 months with the corals.
Category: Reef Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 14.48% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #1364 out of 1595 reef tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 4.19    Votes: 177

30 Gallons Planted Tank

30 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - my 30 gallon planted piranha tank
Description: my 30 gallon planted piranha tank
Category: Planted Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 77.69% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #605 out of 2712 planted tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 5.76    Votes: 139

30 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

30 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - My 15 gallon planted aquarium.
Description: My 15 gallon planted aquarium.
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 54.95% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #2371 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 4.05    Votes: 111

30 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

30 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - n
Description: n
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 41.44% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #3082 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.73    Votes: 100

30 Gallons Reef Tank

30 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - My first tank ever, fallowed
everything I've read, build my own
sump, and so far everything is
healthy as can be!
Description: My first tank ever, fallowed everything I've read, build my own sump, and so far everything is healthy as can be!
Category: Reef Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 13.23% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #1384 out of 1595 reef tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 4.14    Votes: 171

30 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

30 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 5 x Zebra Danio
2 x GloFish
3 x Roseline Shark
2x Cryptocoryne wendtii, 
2x annubias, 
1 x amazon sword
Description: 5 x Zebra Danio 2 x GloFish 3 x Roseline Shark 2x Cryptocoryne wendtii, 2x annubias, 1 x amazon sword
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 34.92% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #3425 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.59    Votes: 116

30 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

30 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 30 Gallon Tropical Community
Description: 30 Gallon Tropical Community
Category: Freshwater Tanks
Country: United States

This tank picture looks better than 24.02% of tank pictures in this category.

Ranked #3999 out of 5263 freshwater tank pictures worldwide.

Rating: 3.33    Votes: 116