Saltwater Aquarium Fish Species

Popular Fish Name Fish Family Scientific Name

Species suitable for beginners

Clownfish Amphiprion Percula
Damselfish Pomacentridae Chromis chromis

Species needing experienced care and large tanks

Dragonets Callionymidae Callionymus
Lionfish Scorpaenidae Pterois or Dendrochirus,

Species needing expert care and best avoided

Antennata Lionfish Scorpaenidae Pterois Antennata
Rays Rajomorphii or Batoidea Batoidea - common rays and skates Myliobatiformes - eagle rays, manta rays Pristiformes - sawfishes
Seahorse Syngnathidae Hippocampus
Sharks Selachimorpha Hexanchiformes: Examples from this group include the cow sharks, frilled shark and even a shark that


Spiny Box Puffer

saltwater fish - chilomycterus schoepfi - spiny box puffer stocking in 120 gallons tank - Spiny Box Puffer.  Kind of a cute little guy.
Fish Name Spiny Box Puffer
Scientific Name Chilomycterus Schoepfi
Description: Spiny Box Puffer. Kind of a cute little guy.

Saltwater Fish Stocking In 23 Gallons Tank

saltwater fish stocking in 23 gallons tank - My Flame Hawkfish loves to watch everything I do.
Description: My Flame Hawkfish loves to watch everything I do.

Flame Angelfish

saltwater fish - centropyge loriculus - flame angelfish stocking in 55 gallons tank - Flame Angel & Serpent Star
Fish Name Flame Angelfish
Scientific Name Centropyge Loriculus
Description: Flame Angel & Serpent Star

Green Mandarin

saltwater fish - synchiropus splendidus - green mandarin stocking in 60 gallons tank - Mandarin goby
Fish Name Green Mandarin
Scientific Name Synchiropus Splendidus
Description: Mandarin goby

Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish

saltwater fish - premnas biaculeatus - yellowstripe maroon clownfish stocking in 55 gallons tank - my anemone
Fish Name Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish
Scientific Name Premnas Biaculeatus
Description: my anemone