Undergravel filter modified to be compatible for fine plant

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by Peterkarig3210

Well, I guess it depends on the store whether they'll take a fish back if you've had it for a long time. This was a 14 inch arowana and they'll resell it for probably around $100 so the profit motive may outweigh the risk of introducing disease into their tanks. They don't give any $ back for it nor a credit. I don't use an auto feeder. it's too expensive for my taste. Maybe when I'm able to travel more I'll get a few. I have a cat who I like to have someone feed and give a little loving to when I'm gone, so I just have pre-measured amounts of fish food and my friend feeds them for me. I'll let 3 days go by w/o feeding max and I think the fish I currently have can handle it. When I get a school of tetras and diskus I'll want them to be fed daily though. Starting a aquarium store would be fun as long as you have a big enough market of aquarium people in your area. Have a huge reef tank full of coral and fish in the front window and keep some of the plants you have for sale in the fish holding tanks. It makes these tanks look nicer, obviously are good for the fish, and it showcases how plants can look in the customers tanks. My store sells any plants growing in their fish display tanks, and they just replace them after people buy them.

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by Tmercier834747

Just a total shot in the dark...and I know water doesn't pass through things as well as most gases..but Tyvek?
Yeah, the stuff you put on your house...
It would take some research I don't really want to do...but I do know its a breathable material that's not supposed to be overly susceptible to fungus, etc. As per whether or not it would be toxic or even be able to leech enough water flow to be beneficial...well...my guess isn't very good. lol

Guess I should've looked at page 2 before I posted. lol *slap*

Posts: 1980
Joined: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:04 am

by Peterkarig3210

Yep! It's a little late now as I already have the tank going w/o the UGF.

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by poetic_irony

Wow Great thread guys, I haven't been on here in a while as my job has kept me extremely busy lately and having any spare time i try to spend it training my puppy and doing other stuff and what not, wanted to let you know i haven't disappeared, i am working on my planted tank, atm have converted my 125 gallon from cichlid to planted discus and community fish, filtration in a planted tank is key, however i don't think i would go so far as to hook up an undergravel filter even if you use 100-200 micron sheets of fabric, you still run the risk of microscopic particles from dieing plants, fish waste and other stuff finding it's way down through and sitting there, even if you have a super strong power head hooked to it the problem is that this stuff will find it's way down there and decay causing the opposite of what you want for your plants, high ammo levels, as well as other harmful bacterias can grow under there destroying the plant root system causing the plants to die from the bottom up so to speak, even if you vacuum the gravel regularly, the fine fabric that you put over the filter will not allow the decaying matter to be sucked back up through, fertilization of plants is needed however too much fertilization can be harmful to fish and to plants, i do regular vacuuming with my substrate, to clean some of the decaying matter, (poop) and what not out of the tank also to move around the substrate enough so that toxic bubbles don't build up and release into the tank, finer substrate like sands and planting substrates can have this happen, the key is to find the happy medium. i will start posting new pictures soon of my tank and let you guys know how it's going,

Undergravel filter modified to be compatible for fine plant

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