Ammonia spike

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Ammonia spike

by ian06

I had a big ammonia spike over Christmas and it killed the few fish I had. Now I just have the chromis left. When can I add more fish? How many at a time? Like one fish per week? I don't really have any idea when it comes to the technical stuff like this...

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Re: Ammonia spike

by saratang

Do frequent checks to ensure that your cycle is stable again, then slowly add more fish.

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Re: Ammonia spike

by kate_kuhli

Did something die (prior to your fish dying due to the ammonia)? That can cause an ammonia spike. Oftentimes people will have an invert of some kind die and they don't know until the inevitable ammonia spike.

Anyway, whatever the cause, I agree with saratang. Keep checking the water parameters and make sure the ammonia and nitrites are at zero before adding new fish.

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Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:25 am

Re: Ammonia spike

by friend_of_fish

Yes you have the right idea about slowly adding fish - you don't want to cause the ammonia levels to spike again. How many you can add depends on the bioload these particular fish will have on the cycle i.e. some fish are very messy so they're going to produce more ammonia. What sort of fish were you planning on?

Ammonia spike

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